Shipping Policy
Your items will be mailed with standard USPS/UPS shipping. Tracking will be provided once item has been processed.
Processing Time v. Shipping Time
Please note that shipping times are in addition to any processing times. For example, if you purchase a decal with 1-2 days processing time, you should add 3-5 days to that for shipping for an overall lead time of 4-7 days delivered. Badonka Creations does not guarantee any mail delivery times as USPS/ UPS is a third-party service and a separate entity. Once your item is received by the postal service, it becomes the duty of the post office to deliver your products to you. Any processing before that time is our responsibility.
Got Questions?
Please never hesitate to reach out to us to talk about potential, existing, or future purchase. We want to help you in any way that we can!
Email: BadonkaCreations@gmail.com